

AKITA prefecture is one of a famous sake place in Japan. It has a lots of brands and most of them are really high level. Today I will share you fundcottage AKITA's No.1 sake named "TAKASHIMIZU". Have you tried its DAIGINJO? It is definitely clear taste and after taste is a little fruits flavour. TAKASHIMIZU is made by AKITA SHURUI SEIZOH .  Good job AKITA SHURUI SEIZO. I have come to like AKITA year by year. <luxurious One>★★★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.15.0-16.0% SMV:+1 POLISH RATE:45% Mark: - fundcottage's AKITA No.1 sake - fundcottage's No.7 sake <fundcottage's sake RANKING> As of 28.8.2017 No.1   JUYONDAI (YAMAGATA)  No.2   DASSAI (YAMAGUCHI) No.3   KAMOSHIBITO KUHEIJI (AICHI) No.4   BI (AICHI) No.5   DEWAZAKURA (YAMAGATA) No.6   HANAABI (SAITAMA) No.7   TAKASHIMIZU (AKITA) No.8   YUKINOBOUSHA (AKITA) No.9   ISOJIMAN (SHIZUOKA) No.10   TOYOBIJIN (YAMAGUCHI)


Do you know IBARAKI prefecture? Of course I have been there many time, but I didn't know its sake. Today I am sharing a good IBARAKI's sake named "IPPIN JUNMAIDAIGINJO NAMA". I felt a little dry as a DAIGINJO but it really fitted on SASHIMI. And I had it with SUSHI, that was great. However its taste is normal and aftertaste is not special. A Really standard sake.   YOSHIKUBO BREWING makes it. (URL : ) I will visit there when I go to IBARAKI next time. Then can I do the tasting!? Haha <NORMAL - GOOD>★★-★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.16.0% SMV:+4 POLISH RATE:50% Mark: fundcottage's IBARAKI No.1 sake <fundcottage's sake RANKING> As of 21.8.2017 No.1   JUYONDAI (YAMAGATA)  No.2   DASSAI (YAMAGUCHI) No.3   KAMOSHIBITO KUHEIJI (AICHI) No.4   BI (AICHI) No.5   DEWAZAKURA (YAMAGATA) No.6   HANAABI (SAITAMA) No.7   YUKINOBOUSHA (AKITA) No.8


I think "YAMAGATA" is the most hot prefecture in JAPAN over a few years. Today I will introduce one of my favorite YAMAGATA's sake named DEWAZAKURA. As of now, it falls into No.5 of fundcottage's ranking. A really clear taste a little sweet aftertaste. Yesterday, I went to a bottle shop and bought it. it costed 54AUD! More expensive than in Japan. Was so surprised but as I will have a sake party with my friends next weekend, finally bought it. I can't wait for the party. DEWAZAKURA is made by "DEWAZAKURA SAKE BREWERY" URL : (English available) <HEAVY USE>★★★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.17.0% SMV:- POLISH RATE:50% Mark: - fundcottage's YAMAGATA No.2 sake - fundcottage's No.5 sake <fundcottage's sake RANKING> As of 20.8.2017 No.1   JUYONDAI (YAMAGATA)  No.2   DASSAI (YAMAGUCHI) No.3   KAMOSHIBITO KUHEIJI (AICHI) No.4   BI


Hi guys, have you ever been to HOKKAIDO prefecture? It is located in the north of Japan. And it's my home town! Today let me introduce a super dry sake "OTOKOYAMA TOKUBETSU JUNMAI" from HOKKAIDO prefecture. When I went to the tasting event at Japanese IZAKAYA, I found it Surprisingly. Of course, I knew this brands and had had it many time. Hmm.. actually I'm not a dry sake lover, my rank for this is not high. But my friends who likes a type of dry sake really love it. If you are dry sake lover, definitely try it. It should be good for you. "OTOKOYAMA" is made by OTOKOYAMA corp.  (URL : ) It is located in ASAHIKAWA in which I was born. <NOT MY TYPE>★★/★★★★★ ALC:.15.0-15.9% SMV:+10 POLISH RATE:55% Mark: - 男山 上撰 1800ml [北海道] <fundcottage's sake RANKING> As of 18.8.2017 No.1   JUYONDAI (YAMAGATA)  No.2   DASSAI (YAMAGUCHI) No.3   KAMOSHIBI


It's fundcottage. Do you know SAITAMA prefecture has a really sweet Japanese sake? Let me introduce a lovely sake "HANAABI JUNMAIDAIGINJO". When I stayed at TOKYO three years ago,  I had this sake in IZAKAYA. At that time I had no database about SAITAMA's sake in my brain. But since I had it with my co-workers, I have changed an image of SAITAMA prefecture. It's really sweet taste and smell. Like a fruity white wine. HANAABI is made by "NANYO SAKE BREWERY"  (URL: ). But I feel this sake is a little rare, so it is difficult to find it even in TOKYO. So I want "NANYO SAKE BREWERY" to make more and enjoy it at lots of IZAKAYA. Needless to say, my co-worker also really loved it. I hope I will have it before long time.  <PERFECT>★★★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.16.0% SMV:- POLISH RATE:48% Mark: - fundcottage's SAITAMA No.1 sake - fundcottage's No.6 sake <fundcottage's RANK


It's fundcottage. What's up? Today I will share you my best sake that I have ever had. the name is "JUYONDAI JUNMAI DAIGINJO" It's perfect taste and definitely clear one. Also After taste is amazing. Makes me luxury feeling  all the time. JUYONDAI is made by TAKAGI SHOZO. located in MURAYAMA YAMAGATA. I think YAMAGATA is the most hot prefecture in Japan. As you may know, It has "DEWAZAKURA" "KUDOKIJOZU" and "TAKENOGAWA" etc. All brands of YAMAGATA sake are high quality and tasty. When I go to YAMAGATA next time, I will do the "SHUZO-MEGURI" that means going to lots of SHUZO for tasting sake. Really fun and you can talk to its SHOZO staff. But JUYONDAI is a little expensive sake I feel. Hence I hope it will discount the price due to technology or something in the future. It's worth paying but.. Go TAKAGI SHUZO! <PERFECT>★★★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.16.0% SMV:+2 POLISH RATE:50% M


It's fundcottage. Great winter wether in Sydney. A perfect taste sake that I would like to recommend today is 'DASSAI JUNMAI DAIGINJO MIGAKI NIWARISANBU'. I have tried this one many times in Japan, but it is a little difficult to find it even at Japanese restaurant. As you may know, DASSAI is the most popular brands of Japanese sake. And this 'MIGAKI NIWARISANBU' is  the most expensive and clear type of DASSAI. Polish rate is 23%. Special one. The taste is so clear and a little bit fruity smell. And aftertaste is a refreshing one. This sake makes me happy every time. When you have a party or buy some gifts for your friends, this is highly recommended.  This is made by ASAHISHUZO. ' ' English homepage is now available, and it seems that you can order through their website. Oh, I am craving DASSAI MIGAKI NIWARISANBU. Try it with much money:) <PERFECT>★★★★★/★★★★★ ALC:.16.0% SMV:- POLIS